Political Portraiture

This is the SECOND year in a row that I have been commissioned to make a series of portraits of Conservative women and I realized I never even posted a blog of the first project!

Although some of these ladies have strong opinions and make a living in the public eye, this blog post (and all of them, as a matter of fact) are about my photography, NOT a political statement, affiliation or endorsement.  I’m happy to be hired to photograph ALL people, no matter their political, religious or personal views and beliefs.  Message brought to you and endorsed by the campaign for Jensen Sutta Photography…

I wanted to share a few of the 11 images from last year’s project.  Here’s a portrait of extremely successful blogger and political commentator Michelle Malkin taken at the Garden of the Gods in Colorado:

Michelle Malkin

Here’s a portrait of the controversial Governor of Arizona, Jan Brewer taken at the Ronald Reagan Ranch Center in Santa Barbara, CA:

Governor Jan BrewerI caught up with Townhall.com journalist, blogger and author Katie Pavlich was in Washington D.C.:

Katie PavlichHere was my favorite image of Congresswoman from Minnesota, Michelle Bachmann:

Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann

Also taken in Santa Barbara, CA was this portrait of U.S. Congressman Marsha Blackburn:

U.S. Congressman Marsha Blackburn



Traveling to photograph the world's best events, Jensen Sutta Event Photography prides itself in capturing the heart of your event! From the Kentucky Derby to Elton John's Oscar Party and everything in between, Jensen and his team are here for you!


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