Ann Coulter, Kate Obenshain and former U.S. Treasurer Bay Buchanan

The woman’s conservative organization called the Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute hired me to photograph an event in Santa Barbara, CA over the weekend.  In addition to Ann Coulter, there was Kate Obenshain (frequent guest on Fox News) and former U.S. Treasurer Bay Buchanan.

A portrait of former United States Treasurer Bay Buchanan in front of her new new book.  

Ann Coulter giving her speech for the Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute’s Western Woman’s Summit.

There is no question that her speeches and political commentary are controversial, but it’s nice to know that she is very polite, cordial and friendly behind the scenes!   The Clare Boothe Luce group picture at Ronald Reagan’s Ranch, Rancho del Cielo. Inside of Ronald Reagan’s Ranch, Rancho del Cielo.

I love this portrait of a student with the really cool painting in the background.



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