2016 Democratic National Convention

The contentious convention took place in the city of brotherly love, Philadelphia.  The very first picture I snapped was of the iconic Independence Hall (where both the United States Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution were debated and adopted).  I had never visited Philly before, so it was a fun first location:

Independence Hall PhiladelphiaThe first day of the convention was contentious when emails were released showing the DNC (who is supposed to be neutral) was actively promoting Hilary Clinton while dismissing Bernie Sanders.  There were many protestors out to support Sanders, who was on the schedule to speak at the main podium later in the evening:

DNC Philly photographerNight 1 began with First Lady Michelle Obama and Sen. Bernie Sanders speaking on the theme “United Together.” Here are a few images from the Wells Fargo Center at the beginning of the night:

DNC night 1The next night I attended featured President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden at the main podium.  I enjoyed seeing ‘Uncle Joe’ but then decided on finishing the night (and President Obama’s speech from an Irish pub):

V.P. Biden DNC Photos

On the final night, Hillary Clinton officially accepted the Democratic nomination for President of the United States.  I was surrounded by many foreign dignitaries who made it very clear that America’s first female nomination was a very significant moment around the world.  One of the most powerful speeches of the evening came from the father of a fallen soldier named Khizr Khan (that later became a media headline when Donald Trump was disrespectful of the speech).

Hillary Clinton accepts Democratic NominationIt’s easier to describe the energy and emotion than it is to capture in a still photo.  From foreign dignitaries to U.S. Government officials to passionate Americans, the energy and enthusiasm was so exciting to experience and I feel lucky to have experienced my third DNC.



Traveling to photograph the world's best events, Jensen Sutta Event Photography prides itself in capturing the heart of your event! From the Kentucky Derby to Elton John's Oscar Party and everything in between, Jensen and his team are here for you!


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